Disclaimer for Jhar Pathshala


Jhar Pathshala is an educational app designed to provide learning resources and courses to users. We want to make it clear that Jhar Pathshala is not affiliated with or representing any government entity.

The information provided within this app, including government-related information, is sourced from publicly available materials and reliable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information presented.

While we strive to provide valuable educational content and ensure the highest standards of accuracy, Jhar Pathshala does not have any government affiliation or authorization to facilitate government services. We do not claim to be an official government app or represent any government agency.

Please note that any views, opinions, or interpretations presented in this app are those of Jhar Pathshala and its instructors, and they should not be considered as official statements or endorsements from any government entity.

Users are encouraged to independently verify any government-related information or consult official government sources for accurate and up-to-date information. Jhar Pathshala shall not be held liable for any reliance placed on the information provided within this app.

For any queries or concerns related to the app or its content, please contact us directly. We are committed to providing a reliable and enriching educational experience.


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